Selasa, 17 Februari 2015

How to Live a Happier Financial Life For Sunday WSJ Readers, a Few Parting Words of Wisdom

How to Live a Happier Financial Life

For Sunday WSJ Readers, a Few Parting Words of Wisdom

I wrote for the first edition of The Wall Street Journal Sunday. It seems fitting I should help bring down the curtain.
Jonathan Clements
Jonathan Clements

Parting thoughts? With my final 750 words, here are five notions That—I believe—are indispensable to a happier financial life.
Biggest time waster : commuting

I don’t look back at my career with many regrets—except commuting. NJ Transit, the commuter rail sistem that runs trains into New York City, stole countless hours that I would love to have back. 

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I have come to view the classic trade-off—accepting a long commute as the price of a big house in the ’burbs—as a pact with the devil. Indeed, research suggests commuting is terrible for happiness. One example : A study in Sweden found that a long commute increases the risk that a couple will separate by 40%.

Best investment attribute : humility

Wall Street wants you to believe you can beat the market, because market-beating efforts are a big moneymaker—for financial firms. But it hasn’t worked out so well for investors.

Yes, Warren Buffett has beaten the market over a lifetime of investing. But there aren’t many others.

The math of investing is brutal. Before costs, we collectively earn the market’s return. After costs, investors—as a group—must inevitably lag behind.

Trading stocks may offer an adrenaline rush and buying actively managed funds can allow us to dream of riches, just like lottery tickets. But managing money should be about making money, not entertainment. If you want to notch decent returns, put your ego aside and put your money in broadly diversified index funds with rock-bottom annual expenses.
Key to financial success : cheap housing

A third of the money spent by the typical household goes toward housing. Add car payments and other transportation costs, and you’re at more than half. My advice : Try to keep those two costs well below 50% of your income, especially in your early adult years.

The less you spend each month on housing, cars, utilities and other fixed costs, the less financial stress you’ll suffer. You’ll also have more money for discretionary “fun” spending, be in better shape if you lose your job, and need less income to sustain your standard of living once retired.

Most important, low fixed costs make it easier to save a hefty sum every month—and that, more than anything, will drive your financial success. I’ve met thousands of ordinary Americans who have amassed seven-figure portfolios. The vast majority sharing one attribute : They’re great savers.
Best way to spend money : experiences

I believe money can buy happiness, but you have to spend with care. My advice : Use your spare kontan for experiences, not possessions. Pay for the family vacation. Go to a concert. Head out to dinner with friends. This will strike many as counterintuitive. Possessions seem appealing, because they have lasting value, while experiences leave us with nothing tangible.

But this is also the reason experiences can bring more happiness : We have not only the event itself, but also the anticipation before and the fond memories after—and those memories aren’t soiled by the messy reality of some object that gets dirty, breaks down and is eventually discarded.
excel financial goal : not working for money

Unless you have enough saved for retirement, you need an income. But if possible, never work just for a paycheck. I believe the keys to a fulfilling life are spending our days doing what we’re passionate about and our evenings with friends and family.

Problem is, the career that makes us happy in our 20s may not be satisfying in our 40s—and the new career we want to pursue may not be as lucrative. What to do?

Avoid the acquisition treadmill of bigger homes and better cars, and instead save like crazy in your 20s and 30s. Do that, and you could buy yourself the freedom to spend the rest of your life on your terms, rather than one dictated by car leases, credit-card bills and mortgage payments.

Many readers of this column have become my regular correspondents—and I hope that’ll continue. From now on, I will be writing for Saturday’s Wall Street Journal, while also updating my book, the Jonathan Clements Money Guide, every year.

Ronaldo: May Irina Happy

Ronaldo: May Irina Happy

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Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo and his girlfriend Irina Shayk in LFP Awards Gala, October 28, 2014.

Madrid - After a long silence, the Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo results are open tone stranded romantically linked with Russian model Irina Shayk.

The Portuguese player reveals the linkage breaking the deal with.

"After dating as five years old, I shared interaction Irina Shayk already on strike," Ronaldo said in an opinion piece.

"We believe we can add both for bringing this step at this time. I expect Irina feel the greatest happiness."

In the Beginning representative Irina already mengkonfimasi going interaction with the end of the Ballon D'Or winner was nurtured while after five yrs.

Rumors circulated that the end of the braid since Irina did not want to attend the birthday party of th 60th Ronaldo's mother in Portugal. But, the report ignored Shayk camp.

Now the latest news, three times winner of the Ballon D'Or it was knitting a romantic story with reporter Real Madrid Lucia Villalon.


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When this, not the least once a few people who do not sehattanpa realize stay in braid. Meanwhile on the other side, not a few people who strive hard For healthy to have that interaction.

If this time is you are in a long-term interaction, the possibility of you and want to know whether the interaction of You & couples have healthy and are in the correct lane or not, is not it?

Rarely no time you hear, a lazy person out of the interaction which is not healthy just because it does not want and fear of life itself. For primary But realize, whether you & Si Himself happy and inseparable pair then did not want to bring remorse in so HRI?

Well, on to the curious, know 7 marks the happy couple and this integral. It used to summarize, if you & Si He was able to live a happy and inseparable or just the opposite, already are on the fence?

Mutual 5AndaBerdua Creating Happiness Each HRI
When you are in a braid that healthy, you will be able to create the happy couple each HRI, as well as vice versa. You also can more easily convey 'I love you,' 'I miss you,' Sorry, 'and' thank you '.

Not Slightly messy interaction just because one of them was high for prestige and ego suggests sorry or thank you. So, not to allow a sense of pride and ego-damaging interactions happy you. Respect your partner and show him, you love him. Make sure he also loves and appreciates you as who you execute him.
6Andaberdua Giving Mutual Support
In reply pleasant interaction, the main shockingly You & couples give each other mutual support and feel like the success of each. If you higher income than paid her partner and more successful, make sure you both like about it.

One Fruit HRI, if that partner's turn to be more successful than you, do not say that is not a good element to it. In braid sightly, ga locations for envy and competition. Existing, pushing each other and achieve the purpose.

If you can both give each other support even in a very bad situation, you're lucky because the fabric that healthy.

7 You Know What Terjadidalam BerduaSaling Life
Signs happy and inseparable pair then follow the development of life is each other. If you know everything related tasks couples, schedule, location problems kerjadan greatest intention, coupled with the contrary, the couple and know what goes in life you, it means you are in linkage that healthy.

There is no harm in discussing with respect to these factors in the final HRI. If you do not care about the task or her spouse does not care about the achievements you in the work area, means nothing wrong with affinity You both.
Well, if you do not recognize any of these signs 7th, does not mean you have an unhealthy interaction. But it could have been you need creates many changes in life you both back and consider that the fabric of interwoven.

Conversely, if you fully recognize these signs, congratulations! You are in the fabric of that happy, healthy, and appreciated. You and your spouse and it was love. Becomes, if you're feeling lucky to have been in a linkage that is healthy or not?



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I had been a long time not being happy with life in this world, but it is also not free from the law of nature / cause and effect are done by anyone who is the object of God's creation.
How I go through life weighed each day to how many words were not able to answer all of these. I have to do? I think, that it looks like I'm a different person with another person.
This vacillation in fact if I may be honest begins when doubting the existence of God itself. I really did not feel enlightened, like a black stain glass enclosed so that anyone can not take advantage of the glass.
Life is bitter when many people who treat me well. I do not know if this is a result of lack of gratitude or abnormal, which obviously would be grateful of how and to whom a while before the above-mentioned kind of doubt with the existence of God itself.
Birth of offspring who are not able to actually make me feel more beautiful when this logic goes on as if the pursuit of truth which is not a simplification of text in educational institutions.
Huuuhhh, only hmbusan shortness of breath flowing in and out of the body and soul. Appealed to anyone that this psychiatric stable because it was already not adalagi way that other people will be able to navigate in accordance with these crazy characters. I have to do? There can be no tranquility in this life.
Education from an early age given by the parents, who pursued in boarding schools and colleges as well as lost by the new belief is more difficult then attached to the implementation because it seems to me something that is not easier to do in a society where if it has not become a culture in the venue.
The value is good and bad ever be keyakina since childhood, now seemed upside down and often blame the old beliefs. but I always think about the different basic beliefs, if known by people around will cause a conflict, then as much as I continued to hide this belief as to think that other people do not have the right to know.
Honestly, I feel comfortable with the perceived confidence despite differences with the behavior shows around. Whether a conviction should still be adhered to even if that would cause tremendous conflict in the community? I have to do? Yaaa I please God let me think according to my will until I get the straight path of God the Most Right.

Ooooowwwh God !!!!!!
Joke what you have given in my mind and soul of this?
I almost died with this belief ...............
But whatever happens it is God's will, I also sometimes think let God by itself change anything in this self.
Forgive me God if this is presumptuous.

You like a mirage in my little soul that continues to lead the way of thinking into a belief implemented
Have a heart for the goodness is not limited by anything in return for the Holy One also never so
Have sense sometimes against liver and are not necessarily better or worse in the sight of the Lord of the universe
Feel what does it mean when the body of this spirit to leave and not imagine the feeling of being what. Oooh really unimaginable
But beauty is still beauty that others sometimes can not see even a god-level caliber psychologist
Integrity of heart, mind and soul may always be blocked to then know you yaaa Robb

Senin, 16 Februari 2015

Trick Educating Family Fun

Trick Educating Family Fun

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What is used for the husband so that good ?

Which kinds of women are capable of success who is the wife ?

What is required of parents who make so good ?

Which kinds of children will help educate families who are happy ?

1. What are the key to a happy family life is that ?

JEHOVAH GOD wants your family life happy . His Word , the Bible , gives advice for each member of the family , with outlines the role that God wants for each of them . If the family members run their roles in harmony with God's counsel , ultimately very satisfying . Jesus points out, " Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it ! " - Luke 11 : 28 .

2. Family happiness depends on our awareness of what aspects would ?

2 Happiness family mainly depends on our awareness that Jehovah, who Jesus called " Our Father " , a novice family . ( Matthew 6 : 9 ) Every family on earth are there because Mr. our heavenly - and he certainly knows what is going to create the fruit of a happy family . ( Ephesians 3 : 14 , 15 ) Being , what the Bible teaches about the role of each member of the family ?

3. How The Bible describes the beginning of the human family , and why do we know that what is said is true ?

3 Jehovah made ​​the first man , Adam & Air , and unite those who are husband and wife . He kept them in locations that stay beautiful , a fruit paradise on Earth - the Garden of Eden - and told them to have children . " Be fruitful and increase did little and fill the earth , " said Jehovah . ( Genesis 1 : 26-28 ; 2 : 18 , 21-24 ) This is not just a fairy tale , because Jesus said to justify what the beginning of the book of Genesis regarding family life . ( Matthew 19 : 4 , 5 ) Although we face is not a little problem and when life is not like that God intended , we simply note why happiness in the family continue to be able to feel.

4. ( a) In what way each family member will add family happiness ? ( B ) Why is studying the life of Jesus as absolute for family happiness ?

5 , 6. ( a) Where Various tips Jesus treats the congregation be an example for husbands ? ( b ) What should be done to get forgiveness of sins ?

5 The Bible said that a husband should treat his wife the same manner as Jesus treats his disciples . Watch this biblical guidelines , "Husbands , continue loving your wives , just as Christ also loved the congregation and he handed him .. . By this trick husbands should love their wives as their own bodies . He who loves his wife loves himself , for no man , and had hated his own flesh ; but he gave eat and love him , just like that even Christ execute the congregation . " - Ephesians 5 : 23 , 25-29 .

6 Jesus' love for the congregation which consists of students who are the perfect example for husbands . Jesus " loved them to the end " , along with sacrificing his life for them , even though they are not perfect . ( John 13 : 1 ; 15 : 13 ) As well as , the husband urged , " Keep on loving your wives and do not be furious together against their fierce . " ( Colossians 3 : 19 ) What will help a husband to apply such counsel , especially during his occasional acts unwise ? He needs to remember that he himself also do no wrong , and what should he run for received God's forgiveness ? He should forgive those who sinned against him , including his wife . Definitely , she must carry out aspects of the same . ( Matthew 6 : 12 , 14 , 15 ) That is why there who said that the successful marriage that is a mix of two people who love to forgive .

7. What did Jesus take into account , and which kinds of husbands should imitate his example ?

7 Husbands should also note that Jesus always considerate to his disciples . He takes into account their physical limitations and interests . For example , where they have them tired , he said, " Let us leave that room into silence and rest a bit , we just . " ( Mark 6 : 30-32 ) Weigh sense of understanding that also deserve to be given to the wife . The Bible describes the wife as " a vessel which is weaker " and her husband were ordered for giving " honor " . Why? Because either the husband or wife both got " undue favor which is obtained in the form of life ." ( 1 Peter 3 : 7 ) Husbands should remember that that creates a value to the faithfulness of God , not whether he is male or perempuan.- Psalm 101 : 6 .

8. ( a) Why is said that a husband " who loves his wife loves himself " ? ( B ) What does " one flesh " for one's husband and his wife ?

Referrals Household Happy

Referrals Household Happy : Stay away from 8 properties that hated Husband Wife

Household absolute KEY happy is their mutual love and affection between husband and wife . The husband was able to appreciate and give all my love and affection to his wife , if women and give love and appreciation to her husband . So as well as vice versa .

Wife so that no loss of love and respect her husband , so that one must know and away from the wife of the properties of the women who hated her husband . Among the properties that the most prominent , like shabah written in his book al- Sa'id Al - Mubdi'ah Zaujah wa Asrar Al - Jamal , among others :

1. The wife who shared his own busy .

The wife like the average stay away from all the affairs husband , and more concerned with their own affairs was his passion . Against Basically , the wife like this feel good every time he can be alone , was able to keep all what he heard , he watched , and he Touch to yourself . This may be the subject is due to psychological illness who require further treatment .

... Wife like that ignores the existence of the wife of her husband . Because he was always there for advice of her husband , or did not include them in family affairs ...

2. The wife who delighted dominate .

Wife like a wife who ignores the existence of her husband . Because he always did not ask her advice , or do not involve them in family affairs . He always runs his own family affairs and home affairs together not by looking husband opinion .

Here, one will find that the husband had lost his identity , because he who can do For the good of their children home or just give up , or ignore his presence . Men of this kind , if not separate him from his wife like that , he would endeavor could be looking for , or to obtain what he wants while it from other women .

3. The wife who likes to lie .

One of the elements that must be possessed in a marriage that is an element of interaction honesty in all its elements . This recall , honesty which is one of the pillars of peace and happiness . Outside there are not a few women who like to lie . They made ​​a lie also as a hobby or as a pretext for fear of something . But what and why , lies and deceit are the two most hated that about the guy . Although sometimes someone males receiving false deeds of his wife because of one or another element , but the acceptance of one's husband in good nature was mostly accompanied along disparaging view .

4. Wife cruel / stern .

This kind of wife that the wife is so easily impose penalties against her husband , at a time when her husband carried a certain factor . Wife like this constantly disturbing her husband , because the enmity character . Beyond that , the wife like this is going to get used to issue a scathing words , hard , and rough to the neighbors , colleagues , and family members . Wife cruel , certainly raises not a few problems for her husband , even for children as well . Then embedded in the soul of her children was fond attitude and would stay away from her mother .

... Wife fierce , so easily give punishment to her husband , when her husband run a particular aspect . Wife as her husband is always unsettling ...

5. Wife that difficult .

Such women are accustomed to living in an atmosphere full of life together that ugly character , domestic turmoil , always make the seeds of discord . Because every word that came out of her mouth that contains a command to the main aspects that should be his wife , in fact she even dismissed entirely reject the words of her husband and is responsible for it. So most often he makes trouble and sparked a dispute between her and her husband . In such circumstances , the husband prefers for away from home , or perhaps he can be consistent at home and join in together is not a good trait of his wife .

6. Wife who passively .

This kind of wife would let and submit all the affairs of her husband , then her husband run the whole family and household affairs . Wife's role is limited only execute instructions of her husband . He always gave up in all the factors , as if he let her husband demanded more power along with not seek its role or presence bit as well as to her husband , padalah himself the spouse for her husband .

7. wife who stubbornly .

This kind of wife that the wife who stubbornly in every factor , and he consistently took shelter behind that stubborn nature . Because he gained comfort to her when she insisted to follow his opinion , even if it's wrong . In addition , through the tips that she gained self-satisfaction . For example , if her husband are expecting one type of food , he was constantly preparing other food types , though in fact the type of food that was not to his liking. Such women are women who most hated by the guy .

... Wife who stubbornly in every subject is women who most hated men ...

8. wife who enjoyed habits .

Such a wife that is a figure who has the notion that marriage is the end of all life . Because all the ambition and desire has been buried deep in the post- marriage. He said , after marriage no longer willingness and ambition . Together with this, he had the notion that this same HRI HRI with the other day , along with the sense , that everything in life was just loaded with ethical marriage that routine and monotonous .

Things over the sector of the properties that most hated by the wife of a husband . By because it is , should the wives back climbing back away from his lifestyle with the above properties , in order to find happiness and peace of domestic life .


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No subject that is not always fun in life . Whether it's a fight with some dear or embarrassed against congestion every morning for departure to the workspace which is actually not so comfortable .

Can but , who who want to feel hard in life that just once ? Do not be sad . Quoted from page The Third Metric , there are ways that will create instant you happy in the blink of an eye . Time themselves you implement these simple things since getting hard to soften hearts .


A study of th 2011 showed that relates to think of positive things that create You can smile is the one to make you happier .

Sebahagian experts argue , only happiness is obtained from the expression of sincere smile . However , many other researchers found that forcing a smile still able to create a feeling of happiness . Research Campus Clark to 2003 reveal that smile will activate positive memories .


Not run for the avoidance of trouble that you face , but physical activity such as running can multiply the production of endorphins in the brain . Endorphins produce a sense of happiness that improve mood and feeling good .


Involvement with spiritual or religious way of happiness with a less grand level , based on more than 300 studies that examined the link between the spirituality and health . Meanwhile , praying that one of the tips For relieve stress .


Just do not relieve stress , laughter can improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression .

Go for a walk

There is little health benefits of spending at a time when in nature as well as one increases happiness . Fruit of the study in the UK showed that happier when his research subjects are in natural environments than in urban areas .

Not only that, in a study in the Netherlands to 2010 noted that little preparation For sightseeing trip in the coming time which can unleash happiness to eight weeks before the time when the holidays arrive .

do good

According to research from the University of California , do something good for someone else who could create you happier .

With no way simultaneously , helping other people also means to support themselves . The most recent study from the University of Exeter who reported Everyday Health found that voluntary actions could increase happiness , reduce depression , and even create you live longer .

Listen to the song happy
Based on a simple research on school pupils who published in the Journal of Positive Psychology , those who listen to happy music when seeking for a happier increased fine day in the mood .

occurs upright

Occurs with a step which will create You optimistic happier , according to research Florida Atlantic University . In the study, which took place along the wide step , swing arm , and head erect reported that happy period of three minutes in comparison with the group who witnessed down when his case.

Meditation can be will help reduce stress levels and reduce symptoms of mild depression . Meditation associated with happy emotions and improve the quality of sleep .

be grateful

Be grateful with whatever you have . As many studies have found a strong correlation between gratitude reply and happiness , since the period flunky . Teach children in school For grateful about with an increase in positive emotions and optimism .


Lack of sleep will increase stress . Fruit of the experiment showed that after considering the number of words , students who lack sleep are generally given 81% of the words along with a negative connotation .

Meanwhile , only 41 % of words that can be positive or neutral mind . Beyond that , the researchers revealed the relationship between sleep for a while with an increase in mood .

Enjoy a cup of tea

Recognizing and appreciating happiness is little in life will indeed enable the brain for happiness and change the negative bias in the brain .

The aspect conveyed by psychologist Rick Hanson , author of Happiness hardwiring . " We are surrounded by opportunities , 10 seconds 20 seconds here and there , just sign up to experience and learn from it is useful , " said Hanson .

Tiny factor that will create you a happy example enjoyed a time when sipping a cup of tea , coffee , or other beverages worship You .